I don't know how I am going to tell my feelings about this book. The second book of the Fever series 'Bloodfever' is just as amazing as the first one. Even better than the first one. I gave the first book to 5-stars and I don't know what I am going to rate this book. So then I gave it 5-stars but if there is a 6 or more stars button in Goodreads, I will use it for Bloodfever.
First of all, if you haven't read the first book 'Darkfever', the review may contains minor spoilers from Darkfever.
Totally, this quote is one of my favorites from the book. We can't see Barrons-Mac scenes such as the first one and so when Barrons appears, I will be so happy because Barrons is one of my favorite character and he is so mysterious and sexy.
Mac is more powerful and stronger in Bloodfever, she has a new haircut and haircolor, she has obsessed with her revenge because of her sister 'Alina's murdered. I just hoped that she didn't hesitate about Barrons' safety. Because whatever happens to Mac, Barrons can find her and always help her. Despite this situation, Mac is just can't believe him.
By the way Melun's are always in the darkness and waiting for their victims. Lord Master did this to Meluns; he opened the door and allow Meluns coming to the world; Dublin.
And in the beginning of the book Mac and Barrons thought that Malluce is totally dead.

- The difference between the first and second book is: Bloodfever is shorter and also includes more full-of-action.
- Karen Marie Moning tell us nothing about what is Barrons and this annoyed and also interested me. I think we're gonna find out in the fifth and the last book.
- I want more Mac-Barrons scene!! That doesn't enough for me. They are so cute despite they're always fighting. But you can see the strong bond between them.
- Can I have Barrons? I allow you to have V'lane :))
- I don't trust Rowena and V'lane. I think she should stay with Barrons.
- When Malluce appears in the last 60 pages, I was shocked and sad for Mac but our hero came. :)

You should read this series as soon as possible!! This book is one of my favorites so far!!

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