16 Eylül 2014 Salı

TOP 5 LIST: Favorite Books I Read In Summer Holiday

  Hey everyone! I decided to make a list about my favorite summer holiday books and it was hard to pick just 5 of them. Because I read awesome books in 2014 summer holiday. Nevertheless I thought that I can read more during summer but I had a lot of plans to do like going outside, shopping, swimming.. Briefly, I don't find so much hours to read. Anyway, I read 13 books and 2 novellas and that's better than nothing and this is my consolation :D
  You can find the book review's below, I reviewed all of books which is in the list because I think they are the best and they deserved reviewing and also recommending :)

  By the way there is no ranking up to 1 to 5 these books are the best and I couldn't say I love this one more than this one :)

  Anyway, let's started!

1- FANGIRL by Rainbow Rowell

A coming-of-age tale of fan fiction, family and first love. 
Cath is a Simon Snow fan.
Okay, the whole world is a Simon Snow fan...
But for Cath, being a fan is her life—and she’s really good at it. She and her twin sister, Wren, ensconced themselves in the Simon Snow series when they were just kids; it’s what got them through their mother leaving.
Reading. Rereading. Hanging out in Simon Snow forums, writing Simon Snow fan fiction, dressing up like the characters for every movie premiere.
Cath’s sister has mostly grown away from fandom, but Cath can’t let go. She doesn’t want to.
Now that they’re going to college, Wren has told Cath she doesn’t want to be roommates. Cath is on her own, completely outside of her comfort zone. She’s got a surly roommate with a charming, always-around boyfriend, a fiction-writing professor who thinks fan fiction is the end of the civilized world, a handsome classmate who only wants to talk about words... And she can’t stop worrying about her dad, who’s loving and fragile and has never really been alone.
For Cath, the question is: Can she do this?
Can she make it without Wren holding her hand? Is she ready to start living her own life? Writing her own stories?
And does she even want to move on if it means leaving Simon Snow behind?
MY RATING: 5/5 stars
SERIES: No series included
 THOUGHTS: Fangirl is the first book I read from Rainbow Rowell and I can't wait to read more about her books. Her writing is an easy-read, funny, heartbreaking and also so lovely. This book is one of the best contemporary book I've ever read and I think contemporary books are the best for summer holiday reading. Unfortunately, this is the only book I read in contemporary. Anyway, you definitely read this book.
REVIEW LINK: click here.

2- THE ONE by Kiera Cass

The Selection changed America Singer's life in ways she never could have imagined. Since she entered the competition to become the next princess of Illéa, America has struggled with her feelings for her first love, Aspen—and her growing attraction to Prince Maxon. Now she's made her choice . . . and she's prepared to fight for the future she wants.
Find out who America will choose in The One, the enchanting, beautifully romantic third book in the Selection series!
MY RATING: 5/5 stars
SERIES: The Selection #3
THOUGHTS: This book is the best beautiful and surprising book in The Selection series. For this reason fairytale's ending is super amazing and exciting and also astonishing.
REVIEW LINK: click here.

3- DAUGHTER OF SMOKE & BONE by Laini Taylor

Around the world, black handprints are appearing on doorways, scorched there by winged strangers who have crept through a slit in the sky.
In a dark and dusty shop, a devil’s supply of human teeth grows dangerously low.
And in the tangled lanes of Prague, a young art student is about to be caught up in a brutal otherwordly war.
Meet Karou. She fills her sketchbooks with monsters that may or may not be real, she’s prone to disappearing on mysterious "errands", she speaks many languages - not all of them human - and her bright blue hairactually grows out of her head that color. Who is she? That is the question that haunts her, and she’s about to find out.
When beautiful, haunted Akiva fixes fiery eyes on her in an alley in Marrakesh, the result is blood and starlight, secrets unveiled, and a star-crossed love whose roots drink deep of a violent past. But will Karou live to regret learning the truth about herself?
MY RATING: 5/5 stars
SERIES:  Daughter of Smoke & Bone #1
THOUGHTS: This is a really interesting young adult book with angels and demons attractive story with poetic written. Karou and Akiva's attraction and witnessed their incredibly amazing forbidden love. This is not a typical young adult angel book. Just one word: amazing.
REVIEW LINK: click here.

4- THE EDGE OF NEVER by J.A. Redmerski

Twenty-year-old Camryn Bennett thought she knew exactly where her life was going. But after a wild night at the hottest club in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina, she shocks everyone-including herself-when she decides to leave the only life she's ever known and set out on her own. Grabbing her purse and her cell phone, Camryn boards a Greyhound bus ready to find herself. Instead, she finds Andrew Parrish.
Sexy and exciting, Andrew lives life like there is no tomorrow. He persuades Camryn to do things she never thought she would and shows her how to give in to her deepest, most forbidden desires. Soon he becomes the center of her daring new life, pulling love and lust and emotion out of her in ways she never imagined possible. But there is more to Andrew than Camryn realizes. Will his secret push them inseparably together-or destroy them forever?

MY RATING: 5/5 stars
SERIES: The Edge Of Never #1
THOUGHTS: I generally don't read new adult books but I bought this book a year ago and once I tried to start it but couldn't continued because of exams. And then I decided to read this book during summer holiday and I am so glad to read this book because I love Camryn and Andrew's road-trip and also their relationship. That's not a typical new adult book. Characters are so adorable and mature. So there is no such a misunderstanding situations fortunately.
REVIEW LINK: click here.

5- THE WINNER'S CURSE by Marie Rutkoski

Winning what you want may cost you everything you love.
As a general’s daughter in a vast empire that revels in war and enslaves those it conquers, seventeen-year-old Kestrel has two choices: she can join the military or get married. But Kestrel has other intentions. One day, she is startled to find a kindred spirit in a young slave up for auction. 
Arin’s eyes seem to defy everything and everyone. Following her instinct, Kestrel buys him—with unexpected consequences. It’s not long before she has to hide her growing love for Arin. But he, too, has a secret, and Kestrel quickly learns that the price she paid for a fellow human is much higher than she ever could have imagined. 
Set in a richly imagined new world, The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski is a story of deadly games where everything is at stake, and the gamble is whether you will keep your head or lose your heart.
MY RATING: 5/5 stars
SERIES: The Winner's Curse #1
THOUGHTS: This book reminds me Game of Thrones and I know the fact about this book is like Game of Thrones.  We can't say they resemble each other but I saw this book on Epic Reads in if you loved Game of Thrones you will love these books tag and when I saw this book's cover I thought I must read as soon as possible. The Winner's Curse is more than I expect. I really loved the plot, characters, plot-twists and Arin and Kestrel's relationship buildings. I can't wait to read the second book and this will be out in March 2015! There is a huge cliffhanger in the first book's ending so I can't wait to see what's happening next.
REVIEW LINK: click here.

Have a great week! See you at my next blog post! =)

15 Eylül 2014 Pazartesi


Winning what you want may cost you everything you love.
As a general’s daughter in a vast empire that revels in war and enslaves those it conquers, seventeen-year-old Kestrel has two choices: she can join the military or get married. But Kestrel has other intentions. One day, she is startled to find a kindred spirit in a young slave up for auction. 
Arin’s eyes seem to defy everything and everyone. Following her instinct, Kestrel buys him—with unexpected consequences. It’s not long before she has to hide her growing love for Arin. But he, too, has a secret, and Kestrel quickly learns that the price she paid for a fellow human is much higher than she ever could have imagined. 
Set in a richly imagined new world, The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski is a story of deadly games where everything is at stake, and the gamble is whether you will keep your head or lose your heart.

One of the most beautiful cover I've ever seen. And by the way this is the important fact to why I read this book. But when I learn the plot and watch the trailer, this beauty is just not by it seem, also it is beautiful by inside.
  The plot is mysterious and you couldn't stop your curiousness. When I saw this book in Book Depository, I thought that nothing can stop me for buy this beauty even the price. And I bought it and fell in love! :)
 The Winner's Curse is as shady as Game of Thrones and I believe all of Game of Thrones fans will love this book like me.

Kestrel is a Valorian and general's daughter so she has two options; marriage or join the military. But she doesn't plan these things.
She is not as powerful as our young adult badass heroines but she has a powerful strategy and this makes her clever.
I really like and also annoyed her. Liked her because she doesn't need to request for help because she can save her own life easily.
I didn't like her because she sometimes makes wrong choices and especially through the ending. She really annoyed me.

And our second main character is Arin. I love Arin so much! He is so strong and also cute and by the way he sometimes annoyed me like Kestrel. They are my favorite couples and their relationship is so real.
In the beginning of the book, they don't like each other but then gingerly they become friends. And then the friendship is becoming so much more and they just can't stop their feelings for each other. They also appealed the rumors about they are together but they know somethings going on between them. That's so obvious. But this make the book's more realistic and believable love.

“Isn't that what stories do, make real things fake, and fake things real?” 

 “Arin wondered if she would lift her eyes, but wasn’t worried he would be seen in the garden’s shadows.He knew the law of such things: people in brightly lit places cannot see into the dark.” 

“You might not think of me as your friend,' Kestrel told Arin, 'but I think of you as mine.” 

“Happiness depends on being free, and freedom depends on being courageous.” 

 The Winner's Curse's ending is just heartbreaking and impressing. I really recommend this book to all Game of Thrones and high fantasy lovers with romance. It is a really fun, heartberaking, beautiful read for me and The Winner's Curse became one of my favorites so far! I can't wait to read next book The Winner's Crime and it's going out in March!!! Waiting is torture for me.
Anyway, if you love intrigues, romance, plot-twisting, cliffhangers, you will really love this book as much as me. I wanted to make a special review but actually nothing can explain all of my feelings about this book. Don't hesitate, just read!! :)

                                                                   MY RATING:

8 Eylül 2014 Pazartesi

Book Review: THE EDGE OF NEVER by J.A. Redmerski

Twenty-year-old Camryn Bennett thought she knew exactly where her life was going. But after a wild night at the hottest club in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina, she shocks everyone-including herself-when she decides to leave the only life she's ever known and set out on her own. Grabbing her purse and her cell phone, Camryn boards a Greyhound bus ready to find herself. Instead, she finds Andrew Parrish.
Sexy and exciting, Andrew lives life like there is no tomorrow. He persuades Camryn to do things she never thought she would and shows her how to give in to her deepest, most forbidden desires. Soon he becomes the center of her daring new life, pulling love and lust and emotion out of her in ways she never imagined possible. But there is more to Andrew than Camryn realizes. Will his secret push them inseparably together-or destroy them forever?

 The Edge of Never is much more than a book that I thought before. This book make you cry, laugh, crazy and angry easily. You can feel Camryn and Andrew's emotions in it with both their thoughts and persfectives.
I started this book four months ago but I can't really read because of exams and now I am glad to read and finally finished today. Because I couldn't think that I can focus on my exams when I am reading it.
Generally, I don't prefer new-adult books but The Edge of Never has been made a exception and one new-adult book is going to be one of my favorites so far!
Actually, this is so romantic and pure book with no betrayals or violence, which makes me fall in love with this book more.

Our main characters are Camryn and Andrew and they have been through so much difficult situations. Also they will when they met too.
Camryn isn't an annoying girl who likes crying or mourning for every rough situation. This makes her not a typical new-adult heroine. She is strong enough to battle against life's cruelties.
Exactly, this picture is how I imagine her when I am reading. Her blonde braid is like her personality and I like that I can imagine characters and happenings easily in my mind.

“Heart always wins out over the mind. The heart, although reckless and suicidal and a masochist all on its own, always gets its way.” 

 Andrew is an alpha-male character but he has a fragile and so romantic heart. I love his personality, he never bothers me although I wish we could learn much about his brothers; Aidan and Asher.
When the pages are gone one by one, you can guess that what can be the Andrew's secret. I guess easily but I had concerns with it and I just hoped that I would be wrong. Also in that day, I see in my dreams that I guess the same idea about secret and search in the internet and I just saw that is true. When I woke up, the dream make me feel weird because I just feel that I already know what the secret is :D So funny and weird, I know :)

I don't want to give this book just 5-stars. Because 5-stars is actually couldn't demonstrate that how much I love this book. I just want to give all of the universe's stars :) That might seem I am a little bit exaggerating but when you read that book, you can actually think about the same way.

“You were the missing piece of my soul, the breath in my lungs, and the blood in my veins.” 
 “I think that if past lives are real then we have been lovers in every single one of them. I've known you for a short time, but I feel like I've known you forever.” 
 “Just that dwelling and planning is bullshit, you dwell on the past, you can’t move forward. Spend too much time planning for the future and you just push yourself backwards, or you stay stagnant in the same place all your life. Live in the moment, where everything is just right, take your time and limit your bad memories and you’ll get wherever it is you’re going a lot faster and with less bumps in the road along the way.” 
 “Just remember to always be yourself and don’t be afraid to speak your mind or to dream out loud” 
 “I want you, goddammit! … The thought of you leaving at never seeing you again tears-me-up-inside! … I can’t fucking breathe without you!” 
“You two were meant to be together. It's like some wicked fucking fairytale love story that you just can't make up, y'know?” 
 “Are you in love with me, Camryn Bennett?”… “Not yet,” I say with a smile in my voice, “but I’m getting there.” 
 “The moment you see someone attractive, you can't help but make note of it. It's human nature.” 

If you love romance books with road-trip travels and devastated characters you will love this book like me. There is no more words to describe my feelings; this book is just blew me away and make me cry. I am planning to read this book again and again. Because it is worth to read.
I heard that there is also the second book and I am really curious about it too. I can't wait to read more Andrew and Camryn scenes I already miss them so much!!

I hope you enjoy my review, have a nice week!! :)