I started to watch Beauty and The Beast two moths ago and now I am waiting for June to new episode. I am fangirling about this TV Series and I don't know why, it is just amazing for me.
What are the special effects to make us love Beauty and The Beast?
- The first thing is of course Vincent. Oh look at the boy, he is the hottest beast ever!
- We love the plot, it includes all about of mystery, romance and crime.
- Catherine's fighting scenes! Don't you think that she is as powerful as Vincent? That's a little exaggerate but she fights really good.
- Tess and JT's cutest relationship! JT and Tess have a good relationship, firstly they didn't like each other but then they can't split up.
- Again, Vincent.
- Vincent and Catherine's love! So intensetive and hot I don't want them to split up. Go to hell Gabe and leave them alone!
- Sense of Humor: In all episodes, I can't stop myself to giggle, of course to Vincent.
- Can I say Vincent again?

What is the enormous effect to make us annoy to Beauty and The Beast?
- Don't get me wrong, I adore this TV series but there are a few things to annoy me very much.
- Firstly in the second episode, we can't see Vincent and Catherine's love. That's the most annoyable effect and Vincent just acts like an ass. A huge ass. A rough-hewn wood. Yeah, I annoyed so much.
- Gabe, can you just get out of the series and don't ruin their amazing relationship? You can't fight for Catherine against Vincent, and you know this.