13 Temmuz 2015 Pazartesi

Book Review: THE WINNER'S CRIME by Marie Rutkoski

Book two of the dazzling Winner's Trilogy is a fight to the death as Kestrel risks betrayal of country for love.
The engagement of Lady Kestrel to Valoria’s crown prince means one celebration after another. But to Kestrel it means living in a cage of her own making. As the wedding approaches, she aches to tell Arin the truth about her engagement…if she could only trust him. Yet can she even trust herself? For—unknown to Arin—Kestrel is becoming a skilled practitioner of deceit: an anonymous spy passing information to Herran, and close to uncovering a shocking secret.
As Arin enlists dangerous allies in the struggle to keep his country’s freedom, he can’t fight the suspicion that Kestrel knows more than she shows. In the end, it might not be a dagger in the dark that cuts him open, but the truth. And when that happens, Kestrel and Arin learn just how much their crimes will cost them.

 THIS BOOK. I mean The Winner's Crime is one of the most anticipated read in 2015 for me. I'm dying to read this book because at the end of The Winner's Curse, the story left with a cliff-hanger and all I just want is continue to read series.

I don't know how I'm going to start to explain my feelings. This book makes me mad, sad, angry, satisgfied but mostly impatient. I don't know how I can wait until March. I mean March 2016!!! The Winner's Trilogy will end in March with the most anticipated book for me in 2016: The Winner's Kiss...

I just want to warn you guys because if you don't read The Winner's Curse, you can see some spoilers about the first book.

I just can't decide to give 4 or 5 stars but the right rating for me is 4.5 stars. I really loved the first one and gave 5 stars but this book is all amazing too especially through the ending. No, this book makes me crazy about the ending. We're going to talk about it later.

The Winner's Crime is a high fantasy book filled with political issues, betrayal, forbidden romance and lots of more.. At the beginning the political issues seems a little complicated but later I figured it out. That was all amazing. Marie Ritkoski did a really great job. I don't know what to say about my feelings. This book is an enjoyable and also painful ride for me. 

Let's talk about the characters. As I kept saying over and over, Kestrel is one of my favorite female character because she is so intelligent, she is strong, she can hide her emotions easily to be pretending. But actually, she just cares people she love. Especially Arin. I just felt sorry for her to forced to lie to him. Arin and Kestrel's relationship is well-developed in The Winner's Crime. But I just have to say, I expect to read more scene about them. Together I mean. My favorite couple in seperate?? No. NO. I know their love is forbidden but in the first book, we usually see them together. But I hoped in the third and the final book -did I mentioned that the third book's name is The Winner's KISS'? YES, I WANT TO SEE THEM TOGETHER. WITH A LOT OF KISSES. PLEEEEAASSEEEE......

Let's talk about Arin. I know he is Herrani's governor and he wants to protect Herran's but I pissed off because of his misunderstanding. I know she kept telling lies to him but I koped he will figure it out that she is the Moth and she just tries to help him and Herran's. Anyway, I hope we can see the kissing and forgiving scene in The Winner's Kiss. I really want to see Kestrel and Arin are get these things up and finally be together. If someone will die in the third book, I couldn't handle it I think. Just want them to be happy!! TOGETHER!!!!

One of the most beautiful thing in series is brilliant covers! I've got hardback covers for The Winner's Trilogy but the paperback covers looks so impressive too!! I just can't decide which edition to buy the third book. I think both of them looks so amazing!! I love the green cover and red cover of The Winner's Kiss. Which edition did you prefer? Please comment below.. :)

“She’d felt it before, she felt it now: the pull to fall in with him, to fall into him, to lose her sense of self.” 

 Lets talk about the ending. Through the ending, Arin and Kestrel's talk in piano room effected me to depth so much. She just want to say the truth but her dad watched him.. Arin is hopeless to learn the truth and when Kestrel told the lies-she has to- he started to believe lies too. He doesn't want to but he did.. It's so torturing to see her dad's betrayal to her daughter. I hate General...

I love Kestrel so much and at the end of the book, I just saw how deeply in love with Arin. She write a letter and gave Tensen but he didn't give him. It makes me so sad too. She wants to explain everything, why?? She's going to work camp and now Arin thinks she's going to marry with Verex. It's so complicated. I just want them to be reunited again because they love each other so much. I don't care the other characters; Marie Rutkoski, please end this series with a happy ending. Don't they deserve it?? And please stop the misunderstandings... I want to tell Arin all the truths and wait for Kestrel to explain everything and now everything is complicated and war is coming.

“If you won’t be my friend, you’ll regret being my enemy.” 

“She turned to look at him, and he was already looking at her. “I’m going to miss you when I wake up,” she whispered, because she realized that she must have fallen asleep under the sun. Arin was too real for her imagination. He was a dream.“Don’t wake up,” he said.” 

The third book is going to be amazing I believe that and can't wait to finish this amazing series :))

                                               4.5 Sweet Owls to The Winner's Crime

9 Temmuz 2015 Perşembe

The Most Anticipated Books Published in 2016

If you are a member of Goodreads- which is a must have social site for book lovers-, you have already seem these books because we also see our favorite author's new series or new debut novels too. But I just can't wait to read them they look all good. I loved the covers, plots and started to think that 2016 is going to be also hard year and good year for me. I just can't read many books until June because of university exam but after that I am digging into books and plan to forget myself in books :D Anyway, you should look at them because they look so good!! COME SOON 2016!!
(By the way, I pick the cover releases books we also have the other highly anticipated books too so that I'm going to share with you when cover will reveal For example: A Court of Thorns And Roses' sequel one -I know lots of people loved it definitely one of the most anticipated books in 2016 :))


I'm currently reading The Winner's Crime and the third and the final one is definitely one of the most anticipated book for me. An look at that cover!!! It's so stunningly beautiful, isn't it?? Anyway, the series will end in 2016 and I don't know my feelings through the end of the final book. Marie Rutkoski is a really talented writer and I really hoped to see all of them especially Arin and Kestrel to be happy. 

Violin prodigy Etta Spencer had big plans for her future, but a tragedy has put her once-bright career at risk. Closely tied to her musical skill, however, is a mysterious power she doesn't even know she has. When her two talents collide during a stressful performance, Etta is drawn back hundreds of years through time
Etta wakes, confused and terrified, in 1776, in the midst a fierce sea battle. Nicholas Carter, the handsome young prize master of a privateering ship, has been hired to retrieve Etta and deliver her unharmed to the Ironwoods, a powerful family in the Colonies--the very same one that orchestrated her jump back, and one Nicholas himself has ties to. But discovering she can time travel is nothing compared to the shock of discovering the true reason the Ironwoods have ensnared her in their web. 
Another traveler has stolen an object of untold value from them, and, if Etta can find it, they will return her to her own time. Out of options, Etta and Nicholas embark on a perilous journey across centuries and continents, piecing together clues left behind by the mysterious traveler. But as they draw closer to each other and the end of their search, the true nature of the object, and the dangerous game the Ironwoods are playing, comes to light -- threatening to separate her not only from Nicholas, but her path home... forever.

 Kill the beast. Win the girl.
A strange beast stirs fear in the kingdom of Lochlanach, terrorizing towns with its brutality and hunger. In an act of desperation, a proclamation is sent to all of Eurona—kill the creature and win the ultimate prize: the daughter of King Lochson’s hand in marriage.
Princess Aerity understands her duty to the kingdom though it pains her to imagine marrying a stranger. It would be foolish to set her sights on any particular man in the great hunt, but when a brooding local hunter, Paxton Seabolt, catches her attention, there’s no denying the unspoken lure between them…or his mysterious resentment.
Paxton is not keen on marriage. Nor does he care much for spoiled royals and their arcane laws. He’s determined to keep his focus on the task at hand—ridding the kingdom of the beast and protecting his family—yet Princess Aerity continues to challenge his notions with her unpredictability and charm. But as past secrets collide with present desires, dire choices threaten everything Paxton holds dear.
Inspired by the Grimm Brothers’ tale, “The Singing Bone,” New York Times bestselling author Wendy Higgins delivers a dark fantasy filled with rugged hunters, romantic tension, outlawed magic, and a princess willing to risk all to save her people.

For eighteen-year-old Gideon Blake, nothing but death can keep him from achieving his goal of becoming a U.S. Army Ranger. As it turns out, it does.Recovering from the accident that most definitely killed him, Gideon finds himself with strange new powers and a bizarre cuff he can’t remove. His death has brought to life his real destiny. He has become War, one of the legendary four horsemen of the apocalypse.Over the coming weeks, he and the other horsemen—Conquest, Famine and Death—are brought together by a beautiful but frustratingly secretive girl to help save humanity from an ancient evil on the emergence.They fail.Now—bound, bloodied, and drugged—Gideon is interrogated by the authorities about his role in a battle that has become an international incident. If he stands any chance of saving his friends and the girl he’s fallen for—not to mention all of humankind—he needs to convince the skeptical government officials the world is in imminent danger.But will anyone believe him?


I'm going to read Red Queen after The Winner's Crime and my expectations in high level after the good reviews :)) I can't wait to see how Red Queen is :))))


I love Fever series so much!! I'm in the third book in series and can't wait to read how it's going after that!! By the way Karen Marie Moning is a very talented writer. She mixes Celtic mythology very well in her books and that makes me more curious for Fever series. I love Greek mythology but after reading Fever series, I'm into Celtic mythology to know something more. The cover is gorgeous by the way!! :)))


I have never read a book by Victoia Schwab but I'm going to start with The Archived soon :)) I just heard how perfect she writes and all of the books she wrote doesn't disappoint the readers. So that I can't wait to be one of her book's fan :))

On a continent ruled by three empires, some are born with a “witchery”, a magical skill that sets them apart from others.
In the Witchlands, there are almost as many types of magic as there are ways to get in trouble—as two desperate young women know all too well.
Safiya is a Truthwitch, able to discern truth from lie. It’s a powerful magic that many would kill to have on their side, especially amongst the nobility to which Safi was born. So Safi must keep her gift hidden, lest she be used as a pawn in the struggle between empires.
Iseult, a Threadwitch, can see the invisible ties that bind and entangle the lives around her—but she cannot see the bonds that touch her own heart. Her unlikely friendship with Safi has taken her from life as an outcast into one of reckless adventure, where she is a cool, wary balance to Safi’s hotheaded impulsiveness.
Safi and Iseult just want to be free to live their own lives, but war is coming to the Witchlands. With the help of the cunning Prince Merik (a Windwitch and ship’s captain) and the hindrance of a Bloodwitch bent on revenge, the friends must fight emperors, princes, and mercenaries alike, who will stop at nothing to get their hands on a Truthwitch. 


Life in the outer realm is a lawless, dirty, hard existence, and Solara Brooks is hungry for it. Just out of the orphanage, she needs a fresh start in a place where nobody cares about the engine grease beneath her fingernails or the felony tattoos across her knuckles. She's so desperate to reach the realm that she's willing to indenture herself to Doran Spaulding, the rich and popular quarterback who made her life miserable all through high school, in exchange for passage aboard the spaceliner Zenith.
When a twist of fate lands them instead on the Banshee, a vessel of dubious repute, Doran learns he's been framed on Earth for conspiracy. As he pursues a set of mysterious coordinates rumored to hold the key to clearing his name, he and Solara must get past their enmity to work together and evade those out for their arrest. Life on the Banshee may be tumultuous, but as Solara and Doran are forced to question everything they once believed about their world--and each other--the ship becomes home, and the eccentric crew family. But what Solara and Doran discover on the mysterious Planet X has the power to not only alter their lives, but the existence of everyone in the universe...


Jodi Meadows is one of my favorite author so that after her Incarnate series I know I loved this high fantasy series. I haven't read The Orphan Queen for now but I hope I will read soon. The Mirror King is the second and maybe the last book of the series because I remembered that I see this series will be a duology. I loved the cover. It's so shiny and brightful so stunning as much as the first one!! :))


Lorelai Diederich, crown princess and fugitive at large, has one mission: kill the wicked queen who took both the Ravenspire throne and the life of her father. To do that, Lorelai needs to use the one weapon she and Queen Irina have in common—magic. She’ll have to be stronger, faster, and more powerful than Irina, the most dangerous sorceress Ravenspire has ever seen.
In the neighboring kingdom of Eldr, when Prince Kol’s father and older brother are killed by an invading army of magic-wielding ogres, the second-born prince is suddenly given the responsibility of saving his kingdom. To do that, Kol needs magic—and the only way to get it is to make a deal with the queen of Ravenspire, promise to become her personal huntsman…and bring her Lorelai’s heart.
But Lorelai is nothing like Kol expected—beautiful, fierce, and unstoppable—and despite dark magic, Lorelai is drawn in by the passionate and troubled king. Fighting to stay one step ahead of the dragon huntsman—who she likes far more than she should—Lorelai does everything in her power to ruin the wicked queen. But Irina isn’t going down without a fight, and her final move may cost the princess the one thing she still has left to lose.

These are all I've got for now. I'm going to post a new blog post abot anticipated books when the other one's cover revealed. I hope you like as much as I do for upcoming books. I think they all look wonderful. Please comment below about your thoughts about these books :)))

3 Temmuz 2015 Cuma

Bookish Friday #1 - Currently Reading

Hey guys! Welcome to the first Bookish Friday tag. I'm having a lot of time to read in these days so that I'm currently reading two books; Naked in Death by J.D. Robb and The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski. These are amazing books I loved both of them very much. I'm having a reading slump for one week so I have to start reading and get into my real form. Because it's holiday I definitely have to and want to read books as much as I can.

Naked in Death is the first book in In Death series and this serie has 41 books and this will continue actually!! I don't know how I can finish but for now I really loved J.D. Robb aka Nora Roberts' writing style. I love Roarke and can't wait to see how it's happening with Eve and Roarke's relationship :))

The Winner's Crime is also amazing too I loved the first book The Winner's Curse and you can read my review in here.
I also review The Winner's Crime in here when I finished.

Which book to be my next current reading?? Please help me to decide!!

I'm going to add a poll near the posts these books are my choices please help me to choose. I just can't decide :)) You can also add your comments below :))

See you soon in my next post :*

1 Temmuz 2015 Çarşamba

Book Review: THESE BROKEN STARS by Amie Kaufman/ Megan Spooner

It's a night like any other on board the Icarus. Then, catastrophe strikes: the massive luxury spaceliner is yanked out of hyperspace and plummets into the nearest planet. Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Merendsen survive. And they seem to be alone. 

Lilac is the daughter of the richest man in the universe. Tarver comes from nothing, a young war hero who learned long ago that girls like Lilac are more trouble than they’re worth. But with only each other to rely on, Lilac and Tarver must work together, making a tortuous journey across the eerie, deserted terrain to seek help. 

Then, against all odds, Lilac and Tarver find a strange blessing in the tragedy that has thrown them into each other’s arms. Without the hope of a future together in their own world, they begin to wonder—would they be better off staying here forever?

Everything changes when they uncover the truth behind the chilling whispers that haunt their every step. Lilac and Tarver may find a way off this planet. But they won’t be the same people who landed on it.

These Broken Stars has gorgeous cover with amazing dress'es green and blue's combination. And that's the exact reason to first impression for this book. I think book's cover usually makes a first impression on me. I know it's bad in different situations because this makes you a little bit prejudiced.

Anyway, Amie Kaufman and Megon Spooner's first book makes a huge excitement for young adult lovers when it comes out. I am really curious about what's it about and I finally finished this book. I firstly have to tell that for the fact of the book's amazing cover, I expect so much things in These Broken Stars. Yeah, I liked and enjoyed that book but unfortunately it doesn't blew me away.

The Characters:

Lilac: When I started to read this book and heard she is really rich because of her family, I imagined her like she is a little sassy teenage girl. But when I continued to read and learn more about her, she has reasons to act like in the beginning. She isn't sassy or trying to make people love her. She is just Lilac. She just wants to be herself even trapped in another unknown planet, she acts so strong. She had pains inside too. I don't want to talk about it because it explained through the end of the book I don't want to ruin this book to you :))

Tarver: I loved him so much! I can tell you why he is so cute I have a lot of reasons to explain!!

  1. He is a powerful soldier. ( In young adult, generally we don't see soldiers but I think this makes our character cooler and stronger)
  2. He has painful losses but he made a way to figure it out and he can handle it succesfully
  3. His acts for Lilac and how he care about her and how he explains his feelings about her... (I am going to start a fangirling mode I've to stop myself :))
  4. He is so hot. (In my imagination, he is definitely hot and you can imagine easily when Lilac describes her :))

I recommend These Broken Stars to all young adult lovers. At the beginning of the book, happenings are slow-motioned but when you continued this book is going upgrading gradually. I loved this book and I recommend to YA-lovers :)))

“You're you,' he repeats, his eyes full of grief. 'You're the same girl who crashed on this planet with me, who I dragged through forests and over mountains, who climbed through a shipwreck full of bodies to save my life. You're the same girl I loved, and I love you now.” 

                                                 4 Sweet Owls to THESE BROKEN STARS