13 Temmuz 2015 Pazartesi

Book Review: THE WINNER'S CRIME by Marie Rutkoski

Book two of the dazzling Winner's Trilogy is a fight to the death as Kestrel risks betrayal of country for love.
The engagement of Lady Kestrel to Valoria’s crown prince means one celebration after another. But to Kestrel it means living in a cage of her own making. As the wedding approaches, she aches to tell Arin the truth about her engagement…if she could only trust him. Yet can she even trust herself? For—unknown to Arin—Kestrel is becoming a skilled practitioner of deceit: an anonymous spy passing information to Herran, and close to uncovering a shocking secret.
As Arin enlists dangerous allies in the struggle to keep his country’s freedom, he can’t fight the suspicion that Kestrel knows more than she shows. In the end, it might not be a dagger in the dark that cuts him open, but the truth. And when that happens, Kestrel and Arin learn just how much their crimes will cost them.

 THIS BOOK. I mean The Winner's Crime is one of the most anticipated read in 2015 for me. I'm dying to read this book because at the end of The Winner's Curse, the story left with a cliff-hanger and all I just want is continue to read series.

I don't know how I'm going to start to explain my feelings. This book makes me mad, sad, angry, satisgfied but mostly impatient. I don't know how I can wait until March. I mean March 2016!!! The Winner's Trilogy will end in March with the most anticipated book for me in 2016: The Winner's Kiss...

I just want to warn you guys because if you don't read The Winner's Curse, you can see some spoilers about the first book.

I just can't decide to give 4 or 5 stars but the right rating for me is 4.5 stars. I really loved the first one and gave 5 stars but this book is all amazing too especially through the ending. No, this book makes me crazy about the ending. We're going to talk about it later.

The Winner's Crime is a high fantasy book filled with political issues, betrayal, forbidden romance and lots of more.. At the beginning the political issues seems a little complicated but later I figured it out. That was all amazing. Marie Ritkoski did a really great job. I don't know what to say about my feelings. This book is an enjoyable and also painful ride for me. 

Let's talk about the characters. As I kept saying over and over, Kestrel is one of my favorite female character because she is so intelligent, she is strong, she can hide her emotions easily to be pretending. But actually, she just cares people she love. Especially Arin. I just felt sorry for her to forced to lie to him. Arin and Kestrel's relationship is well-developed in The Winner's Crime. But I just have to say, I expect to read more scene about them. Together I mean. My favorite couple in seperate?? No. NO. I know their love is forbidden but in the first book, we usually see them together. But I hoped in the third and the final book -did I mentioned that the third book's name is The Winner's KISS'? YES, I WANT TO SEE THEM TOGETHER. WITH A LOT OF KISSES. PLEEEEAASSEEEE......

Let's talk about Arin. I know he is Herrani's governor and he wants to protect Herran's but I pissed off because of his misunderstanding. I know she kept telling lies to him but I koped he will figure it out that she is the Moth and she just tries to help him and Herran's. Anyway, I hope we can see the kissing and forgiving scene in The Winner's Kiss. I really want to see Kestrel and Arin are get these things up and finally be together. If someone will die in the third book, I couldn't handle it I think. Just want them to be happy!! TOGETHER!!!!

One of the most beautiful thing in series is brilliant covers! I've got hardback covers for The Winner's Trilogy but the paperback covers looks so impressive too!! I just can't decide which edition to buy the third book. I think both of them looks so amazing!! I love the green cover and red cover of The Winner's Kiss. Which edition did you prefer? Please comment below.. :)

“She’d felt it before, she felt it now: the pull to fall in with him, to fall into him, to lose her sense of self.” 

 Lets talk about the ending. Through the ending, Arin and Kestrel's talk in piano room effected me to depth so much. She just want to say the truth but her dad watched him.. Arin is hopeless to learn the truth and when Kestrel told the lies-she has to- he started to believe lies too. He doesn't want to but he did.. It's so torturing to see her dad's betrayal to her daughter. I hate General...

I love Kestrel so much and at the end of the book, I just saw how deeply in love with Arin. She write a letter and gave Tensen but he didn't give him. It makes me so sad too. She wants to explain everything, why?? She's going to work camp and now Arin thinks she's going to marry with Verex. It's so complicated. I just want them to be reunited again because they love each other so much. I don't care the other characters; Marie Rutkoski, please end this series with a happy ending. Don't they deserve it?? And please stop the misunderstandings... I want to tell Arin all the truths and wait for Kestrel to explain everything and now everything is complicated and war is coming.

“If you won’t be my friend, you’ll regret being my enemy.” 

“She turned to look at him, and he was already looking at her. “I’m going to miss you when I wake up,” she whispered, because she realized that she must have fallen asleep under the sun. Arin was too real for her imagination. He was a dream.“Don’t wake up,” he said.” 

The third book is going to be amazing I believe that and can't wait to finish this amazing series :))

                                               4.5 Sweet Owls to The Winner's Crime

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