25 Ocak 2015 Pazar


First of all, I don't have really time to read during school time for this reason this semester holiday is going to be the best reading time for me. I planned to read 3 or 4 books in two weeks. I hope I achieved my goal. And when I read and finished a book, I am going to review it as soon as possible. I hope I can do it and I hope you will enjoy it. Actually I don't decide which book I am planning to read so I picked some of books I am dying to read and according to this list I will decide my semester reading books.

1- SCARLET by Marissa Meyer                                      2- INFINITE by Jodi Meadows

This book looks awesome like the first one!                                        Stunning cover right? This book
I really want to read this book because the                                             is on my top to-read list for a
first one ends with a major cliffhanger so                                              long time. Because I read the
I can't wait so see what's going on next.                                                 first and second book in series
And by the way, this serie has the best gorgeous                                   and I can't wait to read the final
 covers every book in Lunar Chronicles series is                                   one!
amazing and stunning.

3- SWEET EVIL by Wendy Higgins                                     4- SHADOWS by Paula West


Gorgeous cove again, right? I have this                                                 This book is about angels and
book for a long time but I don't have a time                                           that's the only I know about
to read so this semester holiday may the                                                this book but I love angel
right time to read Sweet Evil! :)                                                             books so I can't wait to read it!

5- PIVOT POINT by Kasie West                                         6- THRONE OF GLASS by Sarah J. Maas

This book has an interesting plot                                                          Everyone is reading this book!
and that makes me more curious to                                                      I love strong characters like
read this one. Also this is a duology's                                                   Caelena and I can't wait to start
first book which is awesome! :)                                                            her adventures! :)

7- DAYS OF BLOOD&STARLIGHT                                    8- SHATTER ME by Tahereh Mafi
by Laini Taylor

This series is one of my favorites like everyone!                            Interesting plot, looks like awesome
I know that this book is as amazing as the first                               dystopia :)

by Sandy Hall                                                                             Claudia Gray

I just want to read tiny, sweet romance!                                          I love the cover! I love everything
I ordered it in Book Depository and I                                              about this book and I love parallel
am waiting for this pretty cover in                                                   universe genre. I ordered this book
my hands :)                                                                                       too. :)

And here's my list :) I f you read these books and have suggestions, please comment below and help me to choose from them :) Because as you see, all of the books in the list looks amazing and I don't know how to pick!! :)) See you at my next blog post :)

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